"Here is this vast, savage, howling mother of ours, Nature, lying all around, with such beauty, and such affection for her children, as the leopard; and yet we are so early weaned from her breast to society, to that culture which is exclusively an interaction of man on man."
~Henry D. Thoreau
~Henry D. Thoreau
surrounded by animals and plants and very few people.
Ever since I read that Thoreau quote, I have felt the intensity of the man on man experience living in a city. I wonder if my daughter will know what it means to be surrounded by this "howling mother of ours, Nature." I have wanted so dearly to get back to some meditative hiking and that kind of quiet that calms my ever-so-chatty mind. So I gave it a try. Wondering how much walking she would do or how much carrying her (and the backpack) I would be doing, we ventured into the unknown.
Our choice destination for our mother/daughter hiking date was Tiger Mountain. We did the 1.5 mile loop around Tradition Lake which took us about 1.5 hrs. The great surprise to me, she walked most of it! So we did it again the next week. So far, she really looks forward to "going hiking" and I'm loving the return to an activity that rejuvenates me.
The drive is about 20 minutes out I-90 at Exit 20, High Point Rd. Turn right on the frontage road to the gate. Continue on the dirt road .4 mile to the parking area. The Tradition Lake trail head is to the right of the bathrooms on a gravel wheelchair accessible trail. Follow this until you get to the sign posting Around the Lake Trail and follow the view of the lake on this dirt and rock trail. At the second overlook, the trail goes uphill for a short ways, until it gets to an old road that goes straight to the parking lot.
Have fun getting into whatever Nature you can~